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Welcome to this blog! If you love your pets this blog is for you

In this place you will have fun and at the same time you will learn interesting things about your pets.

Your pets deserve all your love, take care of them, on this page you will discovered too much things about this beautiful creatures.

Different types of pets require different levels of care so it might be an idea to get a pet that suits your lifestyle. For example, a dog needs regular exercise, birds and small animals have to be cleaned out regularly.

If you have birds, shower them with just a little of water because them are very small and delicate.


With baby animales we need to be more carefull with them because they are more delicate in their first days of life.

– Sleep with thems – shower with hot water – Feed them with a little food – Give them milk – Bring them a lot of love

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Benefits of having pets.

They avoid the feeling of loneliness.
Relieve depression.
They increase the feeling of happiness.
They reduce stress.
They increase the sense of responsibility.
They improve social life.
They reinforce self-esteem.

It’s important bathe your pets?

It is very important to have hygiene with these little ones, it is not necessary to bathe them daily it depends on the breed and type of animal but it is recomended once a week


This little pets are the most beutiful living beings, are affectionate, they are an excellent company for lonely times. It is scientifically proven that a cat helps improve self-esteem, the way of relating and even helps improve school grades.

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